BÖCKELT TOWER® Heavy duty rack

Dynamic mate­rial flow.

This fle­xible sto­rage system is made up of modular towers paired with matching load car­riers that are used for sto­rage and for the in-house flow of material.
Beladene Schwerlast Regale von Böckelt Tower®

Adap­table for almost any application

is the smar­test heavy duty rack system.

The load car­riers are placed into and removed from sto­rage with the help of stan­dard for­k­lifts or fully auto­matic DTS systems. 



Equipped with an intel­li­gent sensor system and sto­rage manage­ment soft­ware,
the system allows for dynamic / chaotic warehousing. 
Abbildung eines Schwerlast Regales von Böckelt Tower®

The tower sto­rage with system

The indi­vi­dual sto­rage solu­tion for all industries.

The load car­rier can be inserted into any available sto­rage loca­tion regard­less of the posi­tion at which it was stored before. It is pos­sible to net­work any number of towers and incor­po­rate them into the sto­rage manage­ment system even if they are ope­rated in dif­fe­rent work areas or across various buildings.

Your contact to BÖCKELT TOWER®

Do you have any questions?

Do you have any ques­tions about our pro­ducts? Then make an appoint­ment with us. Our team will be happy to advise you, in a per­sonal mee­ting or by e‑mail.

Can you pro­vide us with a video or pre­pared sheets? Then we can help you much better.


Heavy duty rack.

The opti­mised mate­rial flow / intra­lo­gi­stics com­bined with the reduc­tion in pro­ces­sing times makes it pos­sible to boost pro­duc­ti­vity dra­ma­ti­cally, ensu­ring that the system will pay for itself in an excep­tio­nally short time!

1. This system is set apart from a pallet rack, can­ti­lever arm rack system or long-span shel­ving system by its sub­stan­ti­ally greater capa­city, which is made pos­sible by a loa­ding height hat pro­vides for fle­xible use
2. Direct access to all stored goods
3. Con­trol of in-house logi­stics pro­cesses, mate­rial flow & intralogistics
4. Faster pro­ces­sing times and increased productivity
5. Con­ti­nuous mate­rial tracking with RFID tech­no­logy solves com­plex tasks invol­ving the tracking of pro­ducts / batches
6. Manage­ment and over­view of all stock levels and posi­tions in real time using a sto­rage manage­ment soft­ware with multi-user support
7. Func­tion for crea­ting inventories
8. Fle­xible inter­faces with a variety of ERP sys­tems and databases
9. Extra fast retrieval from inven­tory for an opti­mised mate­rial flow thanks to Pick by Light
10. Dynamic mate­rials manage­ment ins­tead of fixed sto­rage locations
11. Sup­port for mul­tiple simul­ta­neous access
12. Sturdy and long-las­ting design
13. Elec­tro­nics installed in an impact-proof enclosure
14. Increased on-the-job safety thanks to stan­dar­dised load car­riers and inte­grated push-through guards
15. Com­pact load car­riers for safe trans­port and narrow routes. Effort­less expan­sion or con­ver­sion thanks to modular design
Beidseitig beladbares Langgut Lagersystem

Store heavy goods safely and optimally


The rack is com­posed of an excep­tio­nally sturdy, modular steel con­s­truc­tion that is planned to fit the indi­vi­dual requi­re­ments of each use case and can be expanded by addi­tional towers at any time. The hard-wea­ring zinc pla­ting gua­ran­tees a long life­time. The room heights available on site are uti­lised with the grea­test pos­sible effi­ci­ency to maxi­mise sto­rage capa­city. The grid spa­cing of the sup­port bra­ckets is planned to best match the appli­ca­tion at hand and can be altered to adapt to dif­fe­rent work areas or depart­ments. The system offers suc­cinct advan­tages over can­ti­lever arm racks, long-span shel­ving sys­tems and pallet racks

The moun­ting plate on the rear of the sup­port bra­ckets keeps goods from being inad­ver­t­ently pushed through to the back while also ser­ving as an impact-proof mount for atta­ching the inno­va­tive, yet non-sen­si­tive elec­tronic components.


The modular com­pon­ents are used to form indi­vi­dual towers, double towers or entire rack lines — depen­ding on the needs of the spe­cific pro­ject. Net­wor­king merges all indi­vi­dual sys­tems into one intel­li­gent heavy duty rack.

The rack system is com­ple­mented by a load car­rier that allows for fle­xible use, is made of steel or pla­stic depen­ding on the requi­re­ments, and is available in a variety of sizes that offer dif­fe­rent load-bea­ring capacities.


Uni­quely labelled and equipped with RFID trans­pon­ders, each load car­rier can be iden­ti­fied auto­ma­ti­cally in any sto­rage towers.

Böckelt Tower® heavy load racking


Do you store more air than goods? 
Our racks — heavy duty or other­wise — are easily height adjus­table, unlike ordi­nary pallet racks. Thanks to fle­xibly inte­grable sup­port shelves, each cross member can be adapted to the goods to be stored and your sto­rage space is fully utilized. 
Do goods regu­larly get lost? 
With the Böckelt Tower ® trans­ponder system, every heavy-duty good in your rack is per­ma­nently tra­cked. You always know where which goods are and which routes they take. 
Your logi­stics are not fle­xible enough? 
Thanks to the dynamic struc­ture of the shelves and the num­e­rous oppor­tu­ni­ties offered by the soft­ware, both your warehouse and your team main­tain maximum con­trol and adaptability. 

Is there still a ques­tion open? Maybe our FAQs will help you:

Most Böckelt Tower® pro­ducts are equipped with fixed welded beams onto which our sup­port shelves can easily be slid. Heavy duty shel­ving, on the other hand, fea­tures shelves that are also freely adjus­table but can be screwed into place, pro­vi­ding ulti­mate fle­xi­bi­lity and safety in your logistics.

Espe­ci­ally in the heavy duty sector, goods are rarely assi­gned to fixed racks. Sto­rage loca­tions change when goods pass through dif­fe­rent assembly steps, for example.

Here, espe­ci­ally larger com­pa­nies quickly lose the over­view. With our sto­rage system, goods will never get lost again — not even tem­po­r­a­rily. You save yourself addi­tional work, high costs and stress.

Haven’t found an answer yet? Please feel free to call us:

Ein Screenshot der Böckelt Tower® Software, hier bezogen auf Schwerlast Regale

For hig­hest indus­trial quality


Offe­ring mul­tiple user sup­port, the sto­rage manage­ment system is used across the entire faci­lity and — if neces­sary — across all com­pany loca­tions. Fle­xible inter­faces make it pos­sible to exch­ange rele­vant data with ERP sys­tems and data­bases. The sto­rage manage­ment soft­ware is used to allo­cate the load, which may be com­posed of any number of dif­fe­rent items, to the load car­rier. It also records the actual loa­ding height in order to define the height requi­re­ments within the sto­rage system.

Better yet, the soft­ware also comes with such useful fea­tures as master article record, minimum stock level as well as search and fil­te­ring tools. Finally, the soft­ware pro­vides a history of mate­rials for all items, which records all mate­rials that have been added and removed and thereby sup­ports first-in, first-out pro­cesses. The invent­ories can be sup­ple­mented with addi­tional pieces of useful information.


The tracking of pro­ducts and bat­ches is a cinch with the sto­rage manage­ment system. Export func­tions sup­porting all stan­dard file for­mats serve as hel­pful tools, e.g. during stock-taking.

All exis­ting sto­rage towers are dis­played in a cle­arly arranged manner in the sto­rage manage­ment soft­ware and can also be clus­tered in groups for indi­vi­dual depart­ments, buil­dings or com­pany loca­tions. The sto­rage manage­ment soft­ware com­mu­ni­cates with the con­trol sys­tems of the rack sys­tems as well as with their inte­grated RFID rea­ders and dis­plays. As soon as being inserted into a sto­rage tower at any posi­tion, the load car­rier is iden­ti­fied auto­ma­ti­cally and all items allo­cated to it will be posted auto­ma­ti­cally for this sto­rage loca­tion. The system auto­ma­ti­cally reserves the space actually required for the load car­riers inclu­ding its load.

Ano­ther option is to have the soft­ware sug­gest sto­rage loca­tions for a load car­rier that match its cur­rent loa­ding height.

Vir­tual showroom

Heavy duty track digital

Expe­ri­ence our BÖCKELT TOWER® now, as if you were live on site, directly via the browser on your com­puter or smart­phone in our vir­tual environment.
Unsere Schwerlastregale bieten robuste Lösungen für die Lagerung schwerer Güter in Ihrem Lager.

The right bea­ring for every application


Ano­ther option is to have the soft­ware sug­gest sto­rage loca­tions for a load car­rier that match its cur­rent loa­ding height. Thanks to auto­matic RFID detec­tion, an actual change of posi­tion for a load car­rier does not require any repos­ting in the soft­ware, nearly eli­mi­na­ting com­ple­tely the risk of erro­n­eous ent­ries. Gaps, e.g. brought about by rem­ovals, can be closed by repo­si­tio­ning load car­riers, crea­ting addi­tional sto­rage space for other items that can be used in a fle­xible manner. The result is signi­fi­cantly improved uti­li­sa­tion of the available height in com­pa­rison to con­ven­tional heavy duty racks that ope­rate with fixed sto­rage levels. These pro­cesses are bols­tered by a variety of func­tions that are desi­gned to opti­mise warehousing.

Hochwertige Schwerlastregale - Sicherheit und Stabilität dank Lagerverwaltungssoftware garantiert


Con­trol­ling the in-house flow of mate­rial, the sto­rage manage­ment system pro­vides for con­ti­nuous tracking of the pro­ducts. All posi­tions / loca­tions of a com­pany that are rele­vant to its in-house logi­stics are defined within the system. Such posi­tions and loca­tions can be visua­lised in a cle­arly arranged manner and may include any types of machi­nery and assembly loca­tion, ship­ping, etc. When mate­rial is requested, e.g. for the pur­poses of a pro­duc­tion order, the employee uses the sto­rage manage­ment soft­ware with mul­tiple user sup­port and looks for the required mate­rial by ente­ring or scan­ning an item number or by app­lying general filter func­tions. These search results are dis­played with all cur­rent sto­rage loca­tions and quan­ti­ties. The user can then mark the required load car­rier with an LED posi­tioned at the rack as well as with a blin­king fre­quency that is assi­gned to its posi­tion / location.

If not respon­sible for the in-house trans­port of the requested mate­rial, the employee can create an in-house logi­stics order and assign it, for example, to a for­k­lift ope­rator. This order can also include an assi­gned prio­rity or time by which the item is required at the workstation.

The for­k­lift operator/s will receive all of their logi­stics orders, e.g. at their stack ter­minal, and pro­cess them one at a time by priority.

Any rem­oval of a load car­rier from the rack will be detected imme­dia­tely by RFID tech­no­logy, resul­ting in the auto­matic rem­oval of the logi­stics from the list. Also, the cas­sette will be logged auto­ma­ti­cally for the target loca­tion (the loca­tion where the ori­ginal request was made).

Removed items are then logged out at that loca­tion before the cas­sette is returned to any sto­rage loca­tion. This return pro­cess can also be trig­gered by means of an intra­lo­gi­stics order before it is car­ried out by a for­k­lift operator.